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Invitation to Brno Cup Open 2009

We would like to invite you to 18th annual internation judo tournament: Brno Cup Open 2009, which takes place on the 19th and 20th September 2009.


  • Male: senior, U17, U15, U13, U11;
  • Female: U17, U15, U13, U11;
  • „Senior OPEN“ (men absolute open / any weight).

You can find details in attached files:

There was an opportunity to register contestants in advance through online form (it's closed now).

BPY_A_2009.pdf25.27 KB
BP_A_2009.pdf30.42 KB

mají seznam vašich vítězi

mají seznam vašich vítězi turnaje v Brně 09 20.9.09 prosím odkaz na něj. lg Rudi rudi.stein @